Here's the two I completed: First, Tropical Heatwave II. This time I remembered to put the beads on before I backed it!

And the second: Moonlight Gingkoes.

Both of these used pieced fabric I constructed in Judith Trager's workshop this summer. I stared at it on my design wall for a couple of months, and then decided that I couldn't imagine what I would make with it- so I cut it up for postcards. I think it was a good decision, I've been happy with the ones I've made with it.
I owe thanks to some quilters who have posted on the QA list about satin stitching around postcards- I think Gerrie Congdon was one, I honestly can't remember the rest. I've always done just one pass with the satin stitch edge- sometimes it looked good, sometimes just ok. This time I did a multiple zigzag first, then a less dense satin stitch, and finally a dense satin stitch. I think it looks better. I also learned to do the sides separately on the last pass, not try to turn the corner. That way you can use the thread ends to tug on when you are getting started on the next side. That too worked better than what I'd been doing previously.
On a not quilty note, Sadie and I took a very long hike yesterday- from Bridal Veil Falls up Provo Canyon, all the way down to the mouth of the canyon at Borders. I figure it was about a four and a half mile hike. We had to share the path with lots of bikers, runners, and roller bladers, but it was fun. Just next time I won't go on a Saturday afternoon. It was perfect for walking- sunny, but not hot. The mountains still have snow on them from last week's storms, and had a lovely mistly cloud cover when we started.

I can't stop noticing weeds, after basing most of my Journal Quilts on them. I've never seen these before, wonderfully "hairy" weeds!

I think these are rose hips, the leaves look like the wild roses we see around water here.

This part of the Provo River Trail isn't as scenic as the upper part I did last time. The noise from traffic on the highway up to Heber is fairly loud, and you don't have that feeling of being away from it all in the woods. And, this is what you see as you come out of the canyon:

I'm sure if I looked at this as lines and shapes, I might get an interesting abstract design out of it. But, I much prefer the lines and shapes I see away from urban landscapes!!
It was a nice walk, though- I figure I got in 10,000 steps, and then some. Sadie was definitely pooped and ready to get in the car when we got to Borders! And the drive home took about as long as the walk- the BYU football game ended while we were walking, so traffic was a nightmare.
I've found a drawing in my sketchbook that I'm going to try using for my luminosity "assignment". Next step is to scan it into the computer, so I can play with it on EQ5. If I get anything interesting, I'll post them. Now to get ready for the work week. . .