Sunday, February 11, 2007

Well, I got the message that Blogger has decided I need to switch to the new version- so I just bit the bullet and did it.  I'm still playing with a Wordpress blog I've set up- but the learning curve on that one feels steeper to me than Blogger has been, and there are not many outside resources to help the process.  So we'll see.

I have finished a total of 16 Valentine theme cards this week.  Five I've already sent off to Karey Bresenhan's Heart 2 Heart project, 5 are for my Art2Mail group, and the rest are for family and friends.  In my last post, Nellie commented about ways I can deal with the flatness I disliked about some of my hearts.  I decided to do an experiment with one card.  I'd already outlined the hearts with beads- and was not happy with the result.  So even though I'd already backed the card, I ripped off the beads.  I had some Bling Bling yarn in a color that went well with the card, so I couched it around the hearts.  While I think I will avoid yard with intermittent blobs of fiber in the future, I am still happier with this.  And, since this card doesn't 
have to go in the mail, I just covered my threads with more hearts, fused on.  Here's a picture of all three versions:

And, a selection of the other cards I finished:

I think I am done with hot pink and red for awhile.

I am now halfway through my six week drawing class. I wish the teacher had done more basics, but I am still pleased with my first drawing, one of my daughter. I've still got work to do on it- but for someone who's been convinced her entire life she can't draw, this is a major breakthrough. With some coaching from the teacher, I was amazed at how her eyes came to life under my pencil.

Like I said, still work to do on it- but Shannon is recognizable!

I'm in one of those "what next?" stages. I think it is time to move beyond the ideas floating in the brain, and start committing some of them to paper. And, I know what I want to do for the last year of the Journal Quilts- totally different from past work, and it will be a stretch for me. For that one, I'm signing up for Marilyn Belford's portrait class at Quilt University. You'll hear about my progress- or lack thereof, since I can't post pictures before the Houston show!

1 comment:

Nellie's Needles said...

I liked your hearts outlined with the beads. However, the ones outlined with that unusual yarn are awesome! The lumps in the yarn add an ambiguous/dreamy quality. I'll have to remember not to avoid those yarns.