Saturday, July 12, 2008

Two Playdays in Salt Lake--

Yesterday some of my small art quilt group (WAQ) met at the Fine Arts Museum at the University of Utah to see their special exhibit of paintings- 'From Monet to Picasso.' It was a very nice overview of painting, beginning with the Impressionists and some of their precursors, all the way through the twentieth century- Picasso and Dali. There were also a number of scuptures, Rodin and some others. Obviously, no pictures allowed.

I loved seeing these magnificent works of art up close. When I was in Europe in 1970- a young college student taking time off to see the world- I spent a lot of time in the art museums of London, Paris, Florence, and Amsterdam, to name only a few. That experience gave me an appreciation of great art that I have never lost.

Today, I'm off to a batik workshop, given by one of the members of the Utah Surface Design Group who does wonderful work. What could be better than a day in the dyes??

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