While I had fun dyeing this weekend, I managed to produce more than one dog- or, more for the crap quota. I managed to dye a tee shirt for me the most ghastly shade of grayed green and yellow- when I put it on, I looked like a ghost with the flu. So it went in a navy blue dyepot early this morning. Now I have a summer tee that is very dark blue and dark green. I'm still debating hitting it with the bleach- nothing to lose at this point!
The red / golden yellow scarf in yesterday's picture? I used one of my thermofax screens and discharged it. I think I like it better now. And I added some gold Shimmer paint to the green scarf. The blue one is ok, I'm just deciding what I'll do to it next.

And I have been working on leaves- lots of them. Here's today's pile. The rusty orange fabric in back is the next to be made into leaves. I think I'm entering this into HMQS, so I only have another week to get this done and the entry sent off.

I think I am getting frustrated with the scarf dyeing. I've seen others, on Etsy and other blogs and websites, that have effects that are eluding me. I don't know if it's because I'm using MX dyes instead of acid dyes, or what. I certainly can't justify investing in more supplies- no room, not the budget- so I'm trying to figure out what I can to well with the MX dyes. Not dye painting, that has never been my strong point, either on silk or cotton. Maybe I need to break out the soy wax again, it has been awhile. And maybe I just need to slow down and take the time to develop a design to paint rather than just jumping in with both feet, willy-nilly. All stuff to think about. Once again, I am learning that my impatience is my own worst enemy.
I looooove those leaves.
yes! the fabric for the leaves is rich! now, get back to work you tree hugger you! :)
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