Sunday, August 12, 2007

More playtime. . .

Despite feeling like I have to devote entirely too many hours each week to the job that supports my fiber habit, I have been applying myself, and seeing some work come to completion. My journal quilt lacks only the sleeve and statement, and that part I think will come easily- it has been simmering on the back burners of my mind since the beginning of the year.

Bentlee spent Friday night with us, and yesterday we did a few more discharge pieces. This time, I was smart and labeled the different black fabrics so I know which one to get for the discharge effect I want. This is two pieces from Egyptian cotton- my favorite fabric, and my least favorite discharged! I did another monoprint with the faux paint tool.

Bentlee did this one, a combination of the faux paint tool and a toothbrush. I think part of it may be a self-portrait!

The next two are Quilter's Only cotton, and I like these the best for discharge. Left on long enough, the dishwasher gel goes almost white in some places, and the rest gets a nice rusty look. Bentlee did the first one with a variety of sponges to apply the gel.

The second I did, using a large sea sponge to apply the gel. The picture doesn't do justice to this one- it truly does look like an galaxy in outer space. I'm going to try adding some sheer elements to it, and see what happens.

The last two were done on Kona cotton, wrapped around a large piece of PVC pipe. The first one I just wrapped and scrunched, tying it off with floss. I think it looks like tree people, something out of Harry Potter!!

The second I gathered with parallel rows of basting stitches, wrapped around the pipe, and then tied with floss. I left the gel on this one quite a bit longer than the previous piece.

And, I played with one of the tissue paper pieces I posted about a few weeks ago. This is the one with the tissue paper still intact. I took the silk organza I dyed last weekend, and cut different size circles. I'm still debating whether to fuse them on as circles, or to make them a little wonky. And, I may decide to quilt first, then apply the circles, then quilt some more! Karoda asked in the last post if I had any plans for the silk and cheesecloth- here's the silk! And the cheesecloth will figure in something- but not this piece, I don't think.

Now to keep the momentum going. If I get the Journal Quilt off in the mail this week, that would be one project completely off my to-do list.


Shannon said...

I like the tissue paper one the way it is.

Karoda said...

I thought maybe you were putting together sets to work into one piece. I love the organic appearance of the discharge pieces.

Carol said...

I love the discharge pieces, very nice.