It has been nuts this weekend, what with trying to get stuff done. I'm having some co-workers over for breakfast tomorrow, and wanted to gift each of them with one of the houses Jane Davila did for Quilting Arts Gifts. I got all the pieces fused by early this morning, and sewed like crazy all day. Not a lot of extra embellishment, but I'm happy with how they came out. Please forgive the extraneous stuff from my studio, but the roofs are still drying with the glue, and I didn't want to move them.

While I was busy down in the studio, Shannon was busy all day in the kitchen. She made a dozen loaves of her special Swiss braids for gifts at her work Here's a couple rising,

and here's a couple that are done baking. This bread is yummy!

Friday night I also did some dye painting with some of the silk scarves I have left. I was not happy with most of the results- I just don't like what I get with dye painting as opposed to low water immersion, at least as a first application of the dye. So I took three of them, and overdyed them today after I got the sewing done. Fortunately, I could use the same color on all three, and I took the easy way out and used the vinegar-microwave method. I may go at them again with discharge paste, but that will have to wait until next weekend.
I also got an early Christmas present. Karen Stiel Osborn had a special sale on some of her cards, and I couldn't resist. I got them a week ago, and they are even more spectacular in person. I'm going to try mounting and framing them, that's how special they are. Karen does wonderful collages, in both paper and cloth.

I am so not ready for Christmas. I haven't wrapped a single gift, and still have a couple to buy. I did get the gifts intended for my kids who live in Florida and Chicago mailed last Friday, so hopefully they will be there on time.
I'm working through the 24th, then will have a blessed vacation until January 5. I'm hoping to spend a lot of it in the studio.
The little houses look awesome!! Aren't they great in bunches as a little village? And the bread looks delicious!
I am so impressed with ALL that you do!
Merry Christmas and best wishes for a healthy and peaceful 2009 filled with joy and love (and of course, lots of art!)
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