Sunday, August 24, 2008

Feeling Better

I never would have believed it Wednesday, but the shoulder is doing much better. I was actually able to go to work on Thursday, although I had it in a sling for a lot of the day. But I can move it most directions without pain, and can now get through a day with only a couple of painkillers, instead of every three hours. We'll see what the orthopedist says tomorrow morning.

I now have some more equipment for batik and other fabric surface design. I ran into DI yesterday, and found this skillet/fondue setup, that actually has a thermostat. And look at the cool design on that potato masher! I've already moved my wax into the new pot.

I have been wanting to find a way to steam fabric, either to set dyes or to discharge with thiox. I tried discharge paste once with a steam iron, and could not stand the stench. And, I swear it ruined my iron. Then one day I remembered a campstove setup and turkey fryer we bought a few years ago, and used exactly once. I asked DJ to dig it out of storage- it is perfect!! I have a huge pot, with a strainer I can turn upsidedown to set the fabric on. It can use the propane tank with our grill, and will set nicely on the patio in back where I can comfortably keep an eye on it. I am ecstatic!!

I have another picture I want to try with batik, and I am thinking through my color sequencing. I'll be waxing it after work this week, as long as the shoulder continues to improve.


Karoda said...

oh my! how cool looking are your new tools!!!!! and how clever to convert the little used turkey fryer! i hope the pain completely subsides so you can get busy with the batiking...but do be careful.

Tricia said...

Glad they figured out what was up with your shoulder and that you are feeling better!