Sunday, August 02, 2009

Springville Art Museum Quilt Show

I not only got the binding sewed on and the housework (mostly) done, I snuck out for an hour in the afternoon to see the show at the art museum. It seemed a little smaller this year- there is road construction around the museum, making it harder to get to, and it looked like they are also renovating parts of the museum itself.

There was the usual assortment of traditional quilts, some of which caught my eye- but there were also some that were not-so-traditional. And, for once, I wasn't baffled by the judging. The quilts that got ribbons deserved them, IMHO.

Kaye Evans did this vibrant New York beauty quilt. The colors just sing!

I liked this playful arrangement of squares, and her color choices. This one was done by Lucy Peterson Watkins.

Lisa Brothman, who is in my surface design group, had two quilts in the show. This one really showcases her machine quilting skills.

I'm going to have to go back to the show to get this quiltmaker's name. I loved the textural dimension added by her quilting. I had a hard time getting the colors right on some of these pictures.

Shauna Mooney Kawasaki had two pieces in the show, both playful and NOT traditional. This one is titled 'Center Stage.'

I almost missed this piece, it was hung next to the old entrance area. To say it is textural is an understatement. This was done by Kirsten Barnhill.

I also went out to the newly opened sculpture garden. The garden area was green and restful, but I had to wonder. The sculptures ranged from classic to modern, in all kinds of sizes- there didn't seem to be any sort of unifying element among them, other than they were all the same medium.

I was playing with some settings on my camera for this one, and managed to get the picture I wanted.

Here's a couple of the modern pieces.

While I like the concept of art in the outdoors, the overall execution of this idea just left me cold.

I'm off to church this morning, then hopefully will get the studio cleaned up and the gifts ready to box and ship. Hope your weekend was a creative one!


Jane said...

I loved the quilts, I live in Brisbane and quilt show like this are very rare so it is great to see them this way :) Tried to look some of these talented women up for websites but couldn't find anything, do you know if they have websites?

Beverly said...

Jane, I know a couple of the quilters, but none have websites or blogs that I am aware of. Glad you enjoyed looking at them!