Sunday, March 14, 2010

Clean and Organized!

I told you I was reading the latest Studios magazine, looking for ways I can organize my space better.  Today I got it done (with some help from DJ), and I can't remember the last time my table was this clean.

I can't believe what a difference it makes having all my rulers and cutting implements hanging on the wall.  I can see them easily, and I'm hoping that with a place to put them now, I won't waste time looking for scissors.  You can see my three 12 by 12 quilts, I'm waiting for the ink on the labels I printed to dry so I can sew them on before my surface design meeting Wednesday night.  They're going to be part of a special exhibit at HMQS in Salt Lake in May.

I'm thinking of making a window covering with this fabric I dyed, discharged, then printed at a workshop with Judith Traeger a few years ago.  Shannon thinks it is way too bright, I rather like it.  My studio is in the basement, so it's not like I have a magnificent view or anything.  I just need to enlarge the piece a bit with black.  What do you think?

I'm on a media-dictated respite from my Interpret This! piece- can't do anything else on it til Tuesday.  I'm hoping to start quilting it next weekend.  It will be nice to do that with a sparkling clean work area!


Nellie's Needles said...

I enjoy seeing all that's displayed on your walls. Your space looks like a wonderful place to create. As for the window covering, couldn't that be changed out to display whatever wonderful piece of fabric pleases you "at the moment"?

Libby Fife said...

That is a good looking space. I like the drop down cabinet/sewing machine combo plus your artwork is up on the wall. Very inspiring!