Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Blessed and Merry Christmas to All!

It is mid-day, and a space of peaceful time between two storms. We had Lance, Tiff, Chris (a friend of theirs), and the grandkids overnight on Christmas Eve. The kids got to open one present each (pajamas)--

then they were sent to bed while the adults played SceneIt, the TV version. We got the movie version last year, and quite enjoyed it. Maybe if they'd had more from the early days of TV, I would have been more entertained- but I watch so little anymore, many of the shows referenced were a mystery to me and DJ. But it was fun playing with the kids.

Amazingly enough, the grandparents were the first up on Christmas Day. We actually had to WAKE the kids up. We spent a lovely hour or so opening presents--

Look at my new clothes, Nana!!

Now just what is in this big box??

Now where did I put that box with my LP's? (This was the one present DJ wanted, and I can report that LP's still crackle and pop when you play them!)

then they headed off to Tiff's family for breakfast and more presents.

When we went outside to see them off, this is the scene that greeted us--

Definitely a white Christmas year!

We've spoken with Sean and Marly on the webcam, and Shannon on the phone. And, I was very pleased that Marly loved the butterfly picture I made her.

The pumpkin pie and blackberry angel food cake are done, all that is left is the ham. We are doing Paula Deen's Christmas ham recipe- should be interesting. We'll have Lance and Tiff, and the Gardiners and friends over for dinner. So, the quiet will be short lived!!

Tomorrow night I fly to Reno for 5 days, I am really looking forward to seeing my aunt and the rest of the family that will be there. I'll take some work to show my quilter aunt and artist brother, and maybe even get to do some sewing. I actually did get that shirt cut out!

I hope your holiday, whatever it is, is filled with the joy and comfort of family and friends. May the new year be a creative one!

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