Thursday, December 20, 2007

Day One

The laundry is done, the house is cleaned. I baked bread for a friend. So all the distractions from the studio are taken care of. Tomorrow I have an appointment at the eye doctor, I'll be ordering new glasses, and then an appointment in Salt Lake at 1 pm. Plenty early enough to beat the traffic home, even if I make a stop or two for Christmas shopping.

And, I got a lovely Christmas present from Lisa Flowers Ross in Boise. She ran a contest on her blog, and I am one of the recipients of a postcard she made!

I love the bright colors, and her wonderful handwork. It makes a sparkling addition to my postcard wall!

So what did I do in the studio? I worked on the curtains for the living room, and stitched on a Christmas ornament for Sean and Marly. They already know that it won't be there for this Christmas, but I want it done anyway. That is about it.

Sadie and I went for a walk in the cold- because I promised her we'd walk every day I'm home, and so I could get pictures to study the connection between trees and earth, for my autumn mountains quilt. I was thinking I'd find a large tree, with some exposed roots. Nope, none of those here. But I did get a better idea of how I need to cut the tree shape out. Took a bunch of pictures, but I won't bore you with those.

And, I will be taking a trip that will also cut into studio time- but worth it. I spoke with my brother and sister in Reno today, and found out that my aunt Mary Lou, cousin Debbie, and her son Cory will be in Reno on Dec 27 and 28. We were able to find plane tickets that weren't bad, so I will fly to Reno on the day after Christmas, and fly home on the 31st. But it will be worth it, I don't get to see my aunt often and she is in her 80's. So,in this case, I think this spur of the moment decision isn't one I'll regret.

Oh yeah- it's snowing again. Glad Sadie and I got our walk in before it hit.

1 comment:

Lisa Flowers Ross said...

Thanks for posting my card. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I also have The Painted Quilt book and love it.