Saturday, November 08, 2008

Playing with Paint

I am being careful with this quilt- I am actually making a sample to test out paint and other options for the circles I want to stencil on Blue Tsunami. I want a sort of translucent, pearlescent look. I had several options in my studio to try, and I may be looking for other options on the web.

Here's the sample, before the paint has tried. If you click the picture, you should be able to read what I used on each circle.

I must not have shaken the Lumiere enough, that is a water ring around the circle. At this point, my favorite is #4, with #3 coming in a close second. And #5 is definitely out, I want a white look,and the metallic silver is way to dark. Let me know what you think!

Once this dries, I'll heat set the paint. Then I'll have a sample to use to try out my thread options


Karoda said...

I like the shiva stick the most but if its your least favorite it doesn't stand a chance hehehe...but it doesn't look silver but more gold/bronze in the photo on my screen.

Unknown said...

I like the broken-esque texture of #2 the most which is odd because I'm usually drawn to solid, flat and even textures. Hmm. I might be growing as an artist- who knew?

I love, love LOVE the circles as you have them pinned. I would never have thought of it.

Excellent progress pics. Thank you so much for sharing them all!!!!!!!!
